ENDNEL2s&)ÿÿÿÿ”\ AB: AbstractAF: Author Affiliation'AF: Affiliation'AN: Accession Number AU: AuthorA1: Alert InfoCL: ClassificationDE: DescriptorsDN: Database Name/DO: DOI+EA: Email Address' ED: EditorEI: Electronic ISSNEM: Entry MonthER: Environmental RegimeFC: Format Covered FE: FeaturesF1: IVIPIS: ISSN LA: Language2 NT: NotesNU: Other NumbersOT: Original Title.PT: Publication TypePY: Publication Year SF: SubfileRN: Registry Number SF: SubfileSL: SO: Source$ (), vol. , (), pp. , 20 SO: Source$ (), vol. , (), pp. , 19 SO: Source (), (), pp. , 20 SO: Source (), (), pp. , 19 SO: Source (), vol. , pp. , 20 SO: Source (), vol. , pp. , 19 SO: Source (), pp. , 20 SO: Source, vol. , (), pp. , 20 SO: Source, vol. , (), pp. , 19 SO: Source, (), pp. , 20 SO: Source, (), pp. , 19 SO: Source, vol. , pp. , 20 SO: Source, vol. , pp. , 19 SO: Source, pp. , 20 SO: Source, pp. , 19TC: Therapeutic Class TI: Title_DHD DDDHDed. H DHD:DDDDDDSLSSLD D D DDDHK‚‚‚ ‚ ‚ ‚‚‚‚‚ SO: Source‚  Intl Pharm Abs (CSA)CSAÕThis filter is for CSA's International Pharmaceutical Abstracts database. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS From the CSA search results screen, click on 'Save/Print/Email'. On the "Save/Print/Email" screen, choose "Full Format" and none other. Click the 'Save' button. Your web browser will ask you where to save the file. If your web browser gives you the option to save in different file formats, be sure to save as a "Text Only (*.txt)" file. You may also click Print Preview, then copy and paste the data into a text file. LIMITATIONS 1. Data sometimes comes with tags indicating text styles such as italics (i.e. , ), which are not removed by the filter. You may remove them if you wish by including them in the "Enter text to be omitted" field, under Field Editing. 2. No distinction is made in the database between issue numbers and dates, both of which are imported into the Issue field. You may wish to move dates to the Date field manually after importing.